Apr 12, 2020
On this week's episode of We'll be Right Back, I am joined by Mark Schettler of Bar Tonique. Mark is a longtime advocate of the "night life economy" and this discussion puts his passion for his work and community front and center. We talk about the types financial relief available to small businesses, how the industry should work together and get involved in policy discussions, and how to solve a potential rent crisis on the horizon.
Follow Mark on instagram! @dogdoggydogg (https://www.instagram.com/dogdoggydogg/)
Every episode we like to mention an amazing group or individual contributing to the relief effort. Today, we’d like to highlight and encourage you all to check out Chef’s Brigade. Chef’s Brigade is a collection of New Orleans restaurants, chefs, and servers feeding healthcare workers and first responders while financially supporting independent restaurants, culinary talent, and service industry in the community. For more information, head to chefsbrigadenola.org!
Follow us on twitter (twitter.com/rightbackNOLA) for the latest updates about the show and resources available for businesses and individuals alike.
You can find the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Play, Anchor, TuneIn, YouTube, virtually anywhere podcasts are found!
This podcast is produced by:
Barrie Schwartz of My House Events: https://www.myhousesocial.com/
Elizabeth Tilton of Oyster Sunday: https://www.oystersunday.com/
Greg Tilton JR: http://gregtilton.com and https://filmindepth.com
Our show's music is provided by the one and only Serisu. Want to hear nothing but certified bangers? Check out Serisu on Band Camp (https://serisu.bandcamp.com/) and Spotify! (https://open.spotify.com/artist/1zkweFnArfnPc8eX0XNMAw)
Our show's logo was designed by Eugenie McLellan. Like what you see? Check out her work at https://eugeniemclellan.com/ and give her a holler! She's amazing to work with and you'll love the results.